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KGB 4 Star General

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General Michael speaks out about the end of the PGC
The general sets the records straight about OPP claims and PAC KGB

 ( Pacific Shard ) KGB finally moves to SP. That's not news to anyone, of course, but I just wanted to add my two cents into the mix. Of course, as with any UO-related move, certain idiots (OPP)  like to pretend that they are the cause of it all. The same thing happened with certain other idiots (TLD) a little while back, and history - well by gosh it just loves to repeat itself.

So here's my personal unabashed opinion of what's going on, based on all the inside dirt that only I am privy to:

KGB - Staying on Pacific after the mass bannings was a mistake. I think most of the older members feel this way, and I do to. It's not that the remaining forces didn't try hard and do an admirable job; they just weren't prepared to face TBH and the other guilds who jumped on the "bash KGB" bandwagon when we were hurting due to our big membership losses. Long before PGC reformed, Jetstar told the guild that this would be the last hurrah and that KGB-Pac would be mothballed after the war was over. Jetstar sought a quick ending when he came to terms with TBH, not because we were losing or anything like that (Because we weren't), but because this wasn't the fight that Jet wanted to expend all of his energy on. Bigger and better things were happening on Siege. Any claims that we "ran off to siege" to avoid OPP or CH or anyone else is simply absurd.

TBH - Much like the new NC a few months back, TBH was full of top-notch PvPers and had a terrific leader in Mog'Durok. Had KGB been at full force during this war, things would have been very interesting indeed. However, for those fools who claim that Mog generously let KGB out of the war so that we could save face - why don't you ask him yourself? He's been hanging out in our IRC channel on SP, where we've been helping him with his new character. I think he will be joining KGB-SP.

OPP - They always come out of the woodwork whenever a new force rises up to fight KGB. OPP was non-existant for MONTHS after NC left; they had no webpage updates, no new battle pics, and were only found tagging along with CH on occasion. All the while, we battled CH daily (And, unlike OPP, we had the pics to prove our activity). Clearly, OPP was beaten. So, of course, when TBH starts to war KGB, who shows up but Jackal and OPP. Suddenly, the OPP webpage now has space for killshots (Jackal had claimed during their period of inactivity that his webspace was full. So where did all of this new space come from? Why couldn't he have gotten it before?) and OPP is back to their usual shit talk. KGB undeclared on them for a few reasons, (1) OPP was NEVER going to undeclare, they simply would go into hiding until the latest "guild of the moment" rose up to fight KGB, and then ride their coattails to glory. (2) KGB had it's hands full with TBH, which was the war we wanted to be fighting, and didn't want to deal with the handful of extra OPP who would tag along. (3) KGB had clearly dominated OPP on the field for months. While KGB membership remained solid, OPP membership plunged. Ex-OPP members switched to KGB and told us how they never got any support from their guild. It is only by our good graces that we didn't undeclare and claim victory - and basically that was only done because we didn't want to deal with OPP's message-board warriors.

CH - The joke that just wouldn't go away. Seriously, we beat these guys down hard every night. But they never quit, never went into hiding, and just kept replacing the old members with new ones. I think its just an intense hate of KGB that made these guys keep coming back in the face of defeat after defeat. Any "guild of the moment" would have folded within days of receiving the punishment we dished out to CH, but they stuck it out. If anyone of these three guilds possibly has any kind of claim of beating KGB, it would be CH, simply because they fought day in and day out and were the last ones standing when the dust settled.

Hear me now and believe me later. Just as I said in one of my previous updates, people will shit talk this one for a while, and in about two months, they will start to say "damn that war was fun" and give respect where respect is due.