Article by:

Mistress Heaven

Lady of the Guild

"Search for the Truth"

Whilst starting out for my usual jaunt in the woods, I stumbled across a log "makes note that she tripped over the log" and saw a most odd site. Here, not far from the steps of the tavern, was a bag. Cautiously, I crept closer as one never knows who may have placed a trap in the woods. So many enemies come here to do us harm, that 'tis never possible to know who is friend or foe. Nudging the pouch carefully with my foot, I slip forward a little more. I sighed in relief when it did not explode. Those are the ones I dislike the most. Exploding pouches. "shudders". 

Hmm.. perhaps I shall take a look, I thought. After all, what's the worst that can happen? Dead body parts await inside? 'Tis nothing to be concerned about when one has been given the head of enemies before. Bones? Bah, I've seen it all. 

Opening the pouch, I drop it in disbelief. It can't be. Picking it up, I look once again. Four gems lay in the bottom of the pouch. There are five gems each having their own meaning to this land. When placed all together, they can be good or evil dependent upon the lore that caused them to come together. In this case, I did not know. My feelings were strongly pointing towards evil. The one gem that was missing, was the key to turning the spirits towards goodness and light. 

Knowing I was making a mistake, I reached in and scooped the gems into my hand. They were hot upon my flesh. And they sparkled in the light unlike anything I had ever seen before. So dazzling in their colours, 'tis hard to describe. A blue so clear, so bright, its like the sky when the darkness has lifted and evil has been banished; the red is the colour of the sunset hue right before dark; and the amber… oh what a burning yellow! A deepness to it that defies words. The last colour I held in my hand, was a green stone. Clear as glass and a tint the shade of a spring lawn. That left one colour to complete them. That stone held the key.

I wrapped my fingers around the gems I held, and closed my eyes. I prayed for the last stone to hold the powers of good. As I did this, I heard a voice from behind. Sighing, I turned slowly, fully prepared for my death. It was a ghostly figure, an aberration of sorts. I could not understand him clearly but his words did make sense. I have to find the last stone. When I find it, it will make him whole and complete again. I asked his form if he was evil or good. I explained I was part of a family that stood only for goodness and those kind of heart with his lordship JetStar being the leader. I shan't defy his word or the word of my family. He merely shook his head and faded away. 

Stunned, I stood there for what seemed liked hours but was only minutes. I must find that stone. Whoever that soul was, he will not be complete until I have it in my possession. 

To be continued...