Armed Forces making their mark on SP
General Redfoot gets 5th Star
GuildMaster JetStar said, "Any
former or current KGB leader can tell you that leadership in this Guild can be
one of the most challenging and frustrating positions in this Guild. If you look
at the turn over in leadership you can clearly see it takes a special individual
to succeed in this endeavor. Being a Military commander who must try and
coordinate war efforts while dealing with every type of personality is one of
KGB's greatest challenges.
This can mean being a hardass. This can mean making unpopular decisions. This
can mean getting mean sounding nicknames like "God" or "hitler".
But through it all, if you do it well, it can mean the difference between
victory and defeat.
General Michael aka Redfoot has ben a driving force in KGB PvP, Military
Administration, and Guild diplomacy.
On this 15th day of June 2000, I hereby grant the promotion of 4 Star General
Michael/Redfoot to the rank of 5 Star Knight General of the Army under KGB
Warlord Darius (G5). In addition to leading his BR division, this rank places
Michael as second in command of all KGB military personnel. He also gains the
power to grant rank and title with the Warlords approval."
General Redfoot!
Supreme Knight Lock makes his presence fealt
Here are just some of his victories
from the past week: Click
to expand
