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Imperium uses accident to re-open Hostilities
The Imperium's real tactics exposed.

KGB once again tried for peace with the Imperial Nation.  It is now clear that the Imperial propaganda machine only had one purpose.  That was to use this offering to gain allies in the war against KGB.  As GuildMaster I began to be lured in by the Imperiums powerful propaganda.  I made this heartfelt attempt at peace one final time.

I have thought long and hard about the Imperium conflict and have realized that I am not acting like the leader of a Anti Guild. My rage and lust for vengance blinded me. I am an experienced leader by still human. The membership of KGB trusted me to lead them to the accomplishment of our mission. A long time ago the Imperium and their allies made a fool of me. I never forgot that. They say "power corrupts". Darkness invaded my judgement and now it is time to correct it. The Imperium has some questionable policies but is certainly not worth murdering their citizens. The war against Evil is not a war of personal vengence. I used my office to avenge the humiliation we suffered in the early days of the shard. EVERYONE deserves a chance to see the light. 
The Imperials have many of the same enemies that we do. I have found the secret that I have lost. All those that embrace the light are my brothers and sisters. Everyone deserves a chance to change. I therefore repeal all hostilities against the Imperium and ask the membership of KGB for your forgiveness in leading you astray. I shall return on Tuesday my retreat. Please contact the Leadership of the Imperium ASAP
.      -GuildMaster JetStar

Then shortly after I left for the rest of my retreat, the accident happened.  Here is Wolf of KGB's own words on the matter:

by Wolf-KGB 
posted 7/4/00 2:02:59 AM 

I Wolf, of KGB not knowing of the ceasefire between -I- and KGB attacked knives and soon after a ToD and -I- gank squad came to my house and murdered my friend.... 
still not knowing of the truce i called for back up i came and we fought some -I- but they attacked me and ishar right when we went through the gate. then all confusion was ended and we were explaining what happened. Chickenhawk knew what happened and everything but he still chose to make a big deal basically this is over with all loot returned apologies all around, and im moving my house out of -I- Territory as we speak

Knives of the Imperium then freely admits to the slaying of the "friend" Wolf mentioned.

I do apoligize for the death of thy friend
by Knives -I- 
posted 7/4/00 9:56:09 AM 

I did return that which he was most concerned about having lost.

It seemed that this was leading to a diplomatic ending.  Then Issac Chickenhawk ordered the Imperial rag called the Daily Imperialist to exploit this situation in an attempt to gain Allied support.  In response to my failed attempt at peace I made the following post

KGB and the Imperium Cease Fire
by JetStar, KGB GuildMaster View Profile 
posted 7/6/00 12:23:56 AM 

On 7/2/00 7:39:58 AM, I posted a cease fire with the Imperium. During that post I also said "I shall return on Tuesday from my retreat". Once again the Imperium and its propaganda machine has taken what was a gesture of friendship and used it to rally allies against us. Misunderstanding turned into a situation that could have easily been solved with diplomacy. Once again the Imperium twists the truth into a web of lies designed to trick the world. It has become clear to me that the Imperium's claims that they have changed are false. It's all just a big show to gain support of neutral parties. I hope the world is smart enough to see that:

The Daily Imperialist 7/5/00
"Less than 24 hours after JetStar's repeal, yet another attack came to the Imperium Homeland. Provost Marshal Ishar Eminy of the KGB led a group of soldiers to the Imperial Capital and killed a few more citizens. Once again, the KGB fall back on apologies for the situation. Why not? The entire world watched and applauded JetStar for rescinding his orders to declare war after his armies marched over his enemies borders. Now he has done it again. He has sent a detachment of warriors to do the exact same thing and apologize for his actions."

*How could I have sent an army when I was on retreat? This was a well known fact.*

"The world will not sit by and watch this continue. The world will not allow itself to be dominated by a guild who preaches laws that are not followed by their own kind. The KGB is nothing more than a rotting corpse hiding behind a mask of something that once was long ago. Honor means nothing to them."

I have tried my best to forget the past and and move on. I had hoped to secure peace in the world. I imagine the time for diplomacy was long ago. With the Imperium on the offensive, We must now defend ourselves and finish what we started. I regret that we could not solve this situation peacefully. Please know that I did my best.

Now we must finish what we started.  The Imperium is on the offensive enlisting such guilds as UDL. This time we will not stop.  This is to the death.