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Evak Vos'x


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KGB Completes Pk Hunt - World Tour
After Months of Training, KGB takes to the field


(Seige Perilous) Photos from yesterday and a renewed commitment from KGB that the rumors of Seige Perilous's Demise are short sighted. "Its not over til the Fat Man Sings," GuildMaster Jetstar.

Early Scouting found Rimkitty.

Patrolling the City of the Dead and surrounding area - a few GC were engaged but no more LoE were found, except blue LoE loudmouths 'We roxxor u!' 'You suck' etc, got to love Lamers of Evil (LoE).

Invasion of Deceit!

The Cabal Guild Headquarters (Part I)

Deceit Again (Part II)

Shame Invasion

Re-Group in Skare Brea

Vesper Graveyard


Return to GC! (Part II)

KGB and -I- tag team? Yes, folks you've seen it all.

Congratulations KGB, W'S, WoG, BLD, -X-, and -I- for making tonight the best in distant memory. I can't wait till we ride again, we salute you!