Article by: Evak Vos'x KGB Foreign Minister |
in the Swamp Stiffens KGB Resolve
(Seige Perilous - The Swamp) Last night, KGB forces gathered to practice military maneuvers with guild newbies and veterans. The purpose of the event was to teach newer members group combat techniques, following battlefield commands, and field discipline. Unfortunately, the training became all too real as a surprise attack by a huge force of Pks overwhelmed our unsuspecting exercise.
(Above & Below) The devastating element of surprise...
Many KGB fought bravely allowing many of the guild trainees and squires escape to the safety of the HQ but a high price was paid. Only two members survived the attack - a mage and a master hider. KGB Warlord Vuldan said the PK guilds of SP will be merciless on KGB because of our Constitution and beliefs in the Virtues. "It is painfully apparent that the evil's of the shard will band together to attempt to destroy the one shining light at the end of the tunnel. And in so doing...they begin to awaken the sleeping Dragon," said Warlord Vuldan. Many famed and experienced KGB officers from Pacific are horrified by the gauntlet of evil that surrounds their Seige Perilous brothers and sisters. The blood spilled from our struggling order has moved many to action. General Colin of KGB-Pacific has asked for all Pacific members to create characters on Seige Perilous and join the fight. "My guild needs me. I call upon us all, myself included, to take 1 month active leave from Pacific, and join SP. One month will not hurt your pacific standings. It will not make you a Avatar on Siege either, but it will be a mighty blow to the forces of evil on SP". The mighty Thomas has also heard and become angered by the Swamp Training Massacre. "You can count me in... I hate to see the KGB be in any more pain then need be... I'll make my way to KGB public house and meet up with some members in order to get added to the stone...". Warlord Vuldan addressed the guild and asked for volunteers to aid their brothers and sisters on Seige Perilous, "I am openly calling...each and every one of you who has ever considered coming to Seige Perilous, to make the move now. All I ask is that you heed my cry, our cry, and come to Seige. We need you, your skills and your experience. The KGB is well known throughout the shards. We have drawn the attention of some of the most vicious lamers and PK's from every shard, and we stand at the very brink. We need each of you to come grab hold of the rope and pull us back". The Usual Suspects (Those that were pictured many photos were lost)