Article by: Jetstar KGB GuildMaster |
times force changes in KGB Law
(All Shards - All Games) RED = DEAD - In the beginning, there was KGB. Our purpose and our lives were dedicated to serving justice upon those that murdered the innocent and those that attempted to disrupt the land. RED=DEAD was our battle cry. In those early days Evils were RED and the forces of light BLUE. It was a simple and effective system. Times have changed dramatically, and still we have held to the RED=DEAD system. The day has finally come that we can no longer judge someone by their color, continuing to do so would gain us the label of "Noto-PK". General Crazy Fingers recent post has forced me to re-think our policies. Please re-read this portion of his post: There are so many reds on SP who aren't murderers, a red = dead policy here is basically a justification to be a noto-pk when the odds suit you. Evils are like those with a criminal flag on a regular shard. Some are great guys, some are more dispicable than a regular pk. What's wrong with using judgement and acting based on the guy's actions? Jumping a guy who's out hunting simply because he's evil is about as cool as ganking a blue because his blade spirit ran into an abandoned tamed animal. Keep this policy and we can be assured of two things: Honorable guilds with a policy that allows room for judgement less simplistic than Red=Dead will be wary of allying with us. PK factions who are normally enemies will view us as a common enemy as apposed to simply another faction involved in the fray. A term posted often on the SP message boards that is gaining popularity, especially among people looking to join a lawful guild is "noto-anti-pk" - as in "I'm a master mage looking to join a lawful guild but have no interest in joining a red=dead noto-anti-pk guild". This is certainly not the reputation we want KGB to have. I have therefore signed an executive order that re-writes the KGB Bill of Rights and Conduct, Article I, Section II. Our old blanket RED=DEAD system is from this point forward officially REPEALED. I have also granted KGB Paladins the right to go RED and created a new Rank under the current Military system and Warlord. Changes to Section II, Rules of Engagement: Following are the rules of engagement that must be applied to each situation that may involve combat. Although the current system is flawed in many ways, it is the only system we have. KGB is judged based on how they act and re-act to these situations. Clause 1: RED- KGB Armed Forces will attack and kill person or persons of RED alignment when the KGB member feels it is warranted under KGB law. KGB Members must evaluate each person of RED notoriety on a case by case basis. In a combat situation, it is better to shoot first and ask questions later (REDs can be resurected and their items returned if a mistake is made after the conclusion of the said battle). Witnessing a crime being committed or being advised by a trusted individual that the RED in question is a criminal is grounds enough to take action. USE YOUR BEST JUDGEMENT. It is a KGB member's duty to attack and kill EVIL RED murders that violate the KGB code. New Powers
for KGB Paladins Creation of New
Rank and Position
A ministerial officer, appointed by the GuildMaster of the KGB, to execute the process of the courts, Laws, and Code of the KGB Constitution. These special officers will fall under the command of the KGB Warlord and GuildMaster. A Marshal may choose to go RED at anytime to perform his or her duty against criminals and enemies of the KGB State. Marshals and Paladins are the only KGB Officers authorized to prosecute BLUE enemies of the KGB. KGB Marshals will wear the Guild title of Marshal of Justice at all times. Prosecuting Blues
Conduct of a KGB Marshal
KGB Marshal Uniform
I feel that these changes will better suit our situation here on Siege Perilous and Pacific Shards. |